Operating out of the Port of Los Angeles, the Magenta Ladies expected a cut out of everything that passed through their jurisdiction. Opening a shipping container that they believed contained video game consoles; the Ladies were surprised to find that it instead contained over a dozen infected. In the ensuing battle, all of the Ladies were injured before they managed to put down the zombies. Now infected themselves, they used the brief time before they became mindless animals to expand their territory by consuming their rivals, literally. With all the various gangs in LA soon paying them homage, the Ladies had it made, at least until the police got involved. The final shootout between the Magenta Ladies and law enforcement entered records for the sheer amount of ammunition expended needlessly. Most of the shots fired passed harmlessly through the bodies of the Ladies, with only the occasional lucky headshot connecting. After this incident, police were trained to shoot for the head where they suspected they were dealing with infected. By then, of course, it was far too late.